10/04/211 |
Alhamdulillah...I was born atganye Adamawastate of Nigeiqa inthe year 1985:-)This name:"Mukhtar
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"was given to meby my father, ilost my fatherwhen i was 3yrsold, my father wasa reknownbusiness man, hehad an accidenttogether with hisbusiness partners,betweenAdamawa andGombe whilethey were driving toKano.He left 14 childrenon earth includingme,As i write thisarticle, my eyesfilled up withtears. But its hardto cry when the storm is over. Mychest has been wettedwith tears , i justmanage toovercome myfeeling whenthought of mymother and therest of my lovelyfamily, also withmy featuredelivery with time.As i suffered in thedearth of myfather, my mothertook me to herfamily atCameroun republic.By then i was 4yrsold, i cant evenread nor can iwrite. So i staywith my lovelymother at Gidderlocal govt. Area ofCameroun republicfor a long timeabout 9yrs.So in this tragedy ilost my lovelymother again,Oh God, i lost mymother just like awink, she had aday illness thenshe left me. Mylast time to seeher is when shewas been taken toa hospital by mytwo brothers andan uncle,unfoutnctely shedied before theyarrived to thehospital.So i lost mymother in thissimple way.I thank God[alhamdulilah] ihave enjoyed mymothers arm {love}before she leaveme.. MAY GOD HAVEMERCY ON HER,AMEN.I Mukhtar Aminutook time to writethis short footstep of my life,justto tell friends andthe rest of myfamily around theglobe a littileabout me.May my parentsoul rest in peace,may God rewardthem with a hollygarden ofparadise. May GodAllah{S W A}forgiven you [myparent] to the onewho have me life,i can give nothing,but love and goodwishes, thank fordiscipline, foreverything you do,thank for thehappiness,thanks for seeingme through,you're like aburning candlethere to light ourway,i love you morethan anything, butGod.i'll love you to theend of my life,not often enoughdo i tell you howmuch you mean tome,life ever-lasting iswhat i wish foryou, but themeasure of lifeGod wish for you isover.To my heartyou've tough meto sacred and betrue to life foreverand always,thanks for thecare you've givenme before youleft.So my mother'sburial take place atGidddr localgovt.area around8:30 pm.After all thetragedy mybrother took me tonigeria again, istay there withhim for a couple ofyears at smalltown that calledMaiha local govtAdamawa state ofnigeria.Here i stared ajourney in life withtime.My first day atschool is 1999, igot into primary 3then attendedprimary 3, 4, and 5,then i had acommon entranceto post primaryschool. I spend3yrs in JSS andscoring a verygood result. Then itransfered to,govt science andtechnical collegemubi.After mysecondary sch.Graduation i cameback to maiha inthe sense that i'llgo further totertiary education,but unknowingly iwas together witha greedy man,which heart isfull of hateand envy i wasn'taware...Dear friends, i hope your parents are alive, i wish a peace.If you read this please, wish my parents and all the late people peace.thanks