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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Harmful words

Each time you write or
talk you become vulnerable
to others comments.
If you are of the right class,
right sex, right race, right
group, right age, your
words are accepted.
Those who are not as
fortunate to be in the
proper class of people will
have a much harder time
being excepted.
Not to discourage anyone
from writing or saying
something which is on
their mind!
These are just the facts.
Look at the blogs which
get the most comments!
You either write a title
which has some sort of
type in it to draw others to
Or you are just given the
benefit due to your post
in your blogs.
Those who read the well
versed, intellectual writings
feel like they can not write
as well.
So they are afraid to let
others see what they have
to say.
These individuals may not
be the most talented
However, they may have
things to say which
overshadow most of the
other writings.
Writing or talking is not a
contest it is an expression
of ourselves.
Even if you do not feel like
your words are as good as
Post them anyway!
You will touch someone in
Don't listen to any harsh
words from others.
They too are only human
and their abilities can be
taken from them at any
Who knows when they will
have a stroke?
There are many reasons for
writing and talking.
Do not worry about others,
who they are, what they
are or how you see them.
They are only here on earth
for a moment and then
they are gone like you.
Each of us has something
to say and someone wants
to hear it.
I had an individual write to
me, after I signed up
to facebook.
He said to me, "Don't
bother writing no one will
listen or respond anyway"!
I chose to ignore his words,
even though there is truth
to what he said to me.
I continue to write when I
Between times I am
writing notes, mathematical logic and listening
silently to my heart.
You can do the same in
your own way!
” don't be discourage by others bad words, when in doubt , just write what come from your heart.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

...days to quite facebook

Its developt some MANNERS, but in the other hand its west our time, like givin a full concern to our' STUDIES, JOBS, BUSINESSES, etc,

Students nap in their classes, policemen sleep on duties.
..for the kitchen time ladies west it on facebook.
Facebook at office, fb in a car, fb in toilet, fb in bed, ...for the social network that called FACEBOOK.
Are you not tired of looking your computer screen?

I did have a Facebook for a while. In fact, I ''loved'' FB. I was on it all the time, and that was the problem. It completely took over my life and there isn't even anything to do on there. Iwould just sit there, staring at the screen, waiting for something interesting to happen. Nothing ever did. I found that everyone on my ''friends''list never had anything nice to say to me, or eachother. There would always be some sort of petty argument they would want me to get involved in. As far as i'm concerned, if you're goingto say something mean and spiteful, why not justsay it to each other's faces instead of to your computer screen? Grow some balls, Please.

Another thing I don't understand is, Why, when I tell people I don't have Facebook, they look at me as if i'm some sort of primitive? Seriously, what is with huge gasp you let out when I tell you i'm not a robot and don't worship that stupid socialnetworking site? I mean, I know some people get too busy and just use it to stay in contact or whatever, but there are some people who are just on it all day long instead of doing something good for their life.

Sunday, May 01, 2011


I has rated my facebook top friends since, this is really suprising and as well amazing,But,i have tried several times to post this blog,But the internet has been Sketchy so, two times i lost it.Then i thought it was a network problem. Coz, i'm using Etisalat, then i finally drank my fresh milk(Nono, Fulani favourite drink) and woke my brain up-- then i totally remove the Etisalat sim and inserted my old MTN sim, and wrote it on Notepad so I wouldn' t lose it all. OK, I have friends at almost all part of the world, like those in US, China, Saudi, some are even in Nigeria , in kano, and i have some friends who stay in contact with me on more than a regular basis. Through times of my happines, illnes, sadness, etc. they have been there. Will you do me a favor and take time out of your life to rate them, and suggest thier profiles to your friends?. Because i want them to be popular enough. I love my facebook frineds very much. I believe that Friendship and Love require two things to prove its validity, and to make it work, or sustain it. 1. ) Action - Friendship and Love is not just a feeling of "warm, fuzzies". It is something which displays itself in ACTIONS.. I am trying to be creative and give back a small token of ACTION to honuor their friendship to me... 2.) Time - It takes time to develop a friendship. It takles time out of my life, and your life to review and rate pictures and leave comments and deliver gifts and to just generally let the other individual know you are thinking about them throughout the day, and they are in your thoughts and they are ( to quote what is in their heart) and even if they didn't say a words, they will feel it to their soul,. I'll like to share some of my top facebook friends here; 1-5, Kai DarkFoxCotton, Princess Farida, Yohanna Waziri Mshelia, Muneer Ul, Moukhtar Yahya, 5-10; Mohammed ChindoQ Garba, Nuhu Alhassan Bida, Obi Chine, Muntaka Abdul-Hadi Dabo, Salamatu Musa, 10-15; Hamidu Zumo,Maryam Musa, Umar...etcif you're from facebok and visited this blog and didn't see your name to the above list, just click here you'll see yourself. please don't forget to leave a comment before you leave :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My biography

Alhamdulillah...I was born atganye Adamawastate of Nigeiqa inthe year 1985:-)This name:"Mukhtar
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"was given to meby my father, ilost my fatherwhen i was 3yrsold, my father wasa reknownbusiness man, hehad an accidenttogether with hisbusiness partners,betweenAdamawa andGombe whilethey were driving toKano.He left 14 childrenon earth includingme,As i write thisarticle, my eyesfilled up withtears. But its hardto cry when the storm is over. Mychest has been wettedwith tears , i justmanage toovercome myfeeling whenthought of mymother and therest of my lovelyfamily, also withmy featuredelivery with time.As i suffered in thedearth of myfather, my mothertook me to herfamily atCameroun republic.By then i was 4yrsold, i cant evenread nor can iwrite. So i staywith my lovelymother at Gidderlocal govt. Area ofCameroun republicfor a long timeabout 9yrs.So in this tragedy ilost my lovelymother again,Oh God, i lost mymother just like awink, she had aday illness thenshe left me. Mylast time to seeher is when shewas been taken toa hospital by mytwo brothers andan uncle,unfoutnctely shedied before theyarrived to thehospital.So i lost mymother in thissimple way.I thank God[alhamdulilah] ihave enjoyed mymothers arm {love}before she leaveme.. MAY GOD HAVEMERCY ON HER,AMEN.I Mukhtar Aminutook time to writethis short footstep of my life,justto tell friends andthe rest of myfamily around theglobe a littileabout me.May my parentsoul rest in peace,may God rewardthem with a hollygarden ofparadise. May GodAllah{S W A}forgiven you [myparent] to the onewho have me life,i can give nothing,but love and goodwishes, thank fordiscipline, foreverything you do,thank for thehappiness,thanks for seeingme through,you're like aburning candlethere to light ourway,i love you morethan anything, butGod.i'll love you to theend of my life,not often enoughdo i tell you howmuch you mean tome,life ever-lasting iswhat i wish foryou, but themeasure of lifeGod wish for you isover.To my heartyou've tough meto sacred and betrue to life foreverand always,thanks for thecare you've givenme before youleft.So my mother'sburial take place atGidddr localgovt.area around8:30 pm.After all thetragedy mybrother took me tonigeria again, istay there withhim for a couple ofyears at smalltown that calledMaiha local govtAdamawa state ofnigeria.Here i stared ajourney in life withtime.My first day atschool is 1999, igot into primary 3then attendedprimary 3, 4, and 5,then i had acommon entranceto post primaryschool. I spend3yrs in JSS andscoring a verygood result. Then itransfered to,govt science andtechnical collegemubi.After mysecondary sch.Graduation i cameback to maiha inthe sense that i'llgo further totertiary education,but unknowingly iwas together witha greedy man,which heart isfull of hateand envy i wasn'taware...Dear friends, i hope your parents are alive, i wish a peace.If you read this please, wish my parents and all the late people peace.thanks